Each bass angler has presentations and lures that are favorites. These angling styles have conditions and times that are best suited to that particular method of fishing Bass fishing can be broken...
Category: Locating Bass
Anglers have limited hours to spend on the water so making the most of the day is important. Figuring out when is the best time to catch the most fish is something every bass angler wants to...
Creating a gameplan to locate and then catch summer bass is a key strategy for having a successful day on the water - even when it is hot. To search for bass on those scorching, summer days, use a...
Dirty water bassin’ is something that divides anglers - some love it while others hate it. Knowing the right way to approach water the color of creamed coffee can turn this seemingly awful...
Using Google Earth to scout lakes and rivers is nothing new, but this hidden gem in the app is not known or utilized by many bass fishermen. Google Earth has been a handy tool to scout...
Bass angling is a humbling sport. There are days when we can do no wrong and it comes easy. Then there are days that every move results in failure no matter what we do. These tips will help right the...