You’re probably thinking, “What? This guy has coffee too?” Yep. We have been fortunate to partner with some amazing people throughout North America to bring this premium, specialty-grade coffee to you. Below are just a few images of our products. Any of the image links will take you to our main coffee website.
Our roasts are Buzz Bait (Dark,) Morning Bite (Medium,) and Crank Bait (Light.)
You’ve probably noticed that at the end of each YouTube video and article I always say, “Be sure to go out and encourage someone today – you never know how you may change their life forever.”
Well, that is how this coffee brand started. My wife and youngest son traveled to Guatemala with North Central College Enactus – an entrepreneurial organization that has been working with a group of coffee farmers for over 15 years. When my family came back they said we have to create more demand. You see, through a direct-trade partnership, these farm families make more than they are able to through traditional outlets. This means the ability to pay for their children’s school, health care needs, and be self-sufficient.
And that is how Bass Fishing Life Coffee Company was born. For every 300lbs of raw beans we buy, another family is able to sell into the co-op and make a sustainable living. Plus, we get an amazing cup of coffee. I never realized how good coffee can be until I had my first cup brewed from these beans. I think you’ll agree. It’s quite special.